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Disclaimers for cerbrozen
cerbrozen explicitly does not guarantee the completeness, precision and reliability of the reproduced data. In case any actions whatsoever that you take as a result of the information obtained from cerbrozen website, you take responsibility on your act in the process. Being aware that we must not be held responsible for any losses and/or damages which have relation to any activities on our website.
Our website could be visited by using hypertext links that have been directing traffic to other website. Although we want only trustworthy links to be included to useful and legitimate sites, once these are published elsewhere we are no longer responsible for the content of these sites. Such links to other web sites are only meant for information or recommendation, not the totality of the content available on those sites. Advertiser or content provider might change their content or site URL without prior notice, hence a link we have linked might be bad or accidentally broken before we can relink it.
SDBP: please be also fully aware that when you while-out our website, there might be different privacy policies and terms of others who may have different domains which are beyond our control. Before you enter into any business dealings or upload any applicable information, take time to read the Privacy Policies and the "Terms of Use" in these sites as well.
By using our website you are alike are undertook responsibility in discovering the website agreement, on the condition to accept disclaimer as well as its terms.
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